John Boehner Talks About New Ideas


For The Republicans, Silence is Golden

         The House Republican leadership scheduled this press conference to detail their new ideas to lead the country and party back to prosperity.

Silence often says much more than saying what has been said before

(by Mike Meshew / Graphic Detail)

Hillary Clinton Is The Most Interesting Politician In The World

Hillary Clinton Most Interesting Politican in World Meme Mike Meshew

Hillary Clinton is the most interesting politician in the world because;

1) China owes her money,
2) Siri asks her questions,
3) CNN watches her,
4) She used a Ouija board to warn the afterlife,
5) Her autobiography has been written 5 times.

Stay Politically Active My Friends

(by Mike Meshew / Graphic Detail)

Government Shutdown

Newt Gingrich John Boehner Government Shutdown Meme Mike Meshew

            Newt Gingrich, the leader of the House of Representatives in 1995 during the last government shutdown is offering advice to the current House of Representatives leader John Boehner on how to shut the government down.  By Mike Meshew / Graphic Detail

May the farce be with you!

Hillary Clinton’s Dream

Hillary Clinton Dream President Meme Mike Meshew

 You may say that I’m a dreamer . . .

           It may seem like a long time until her inevitable presidential run but Hillary Clinton understands that she must remain focused on the prize. This laser like focus can result in occasional dreams of her future success.

What a day for a daydream . . .